Tamaki Sport
Every Friday team 5 classes always walk down to Tamaki. We have to go there because The tutors need to be on level 3 and we need fitness to get some exercise, Fitness, out of class, walking and local and muscles.
All of team 5 experience are 7 groups,1-12 people in a group, its always mixed with boys and girls, we all have two tutors and we all have different activities in our groups.Our fitness is really Important because our lower cholestrol levels, we could be healthier, fitter, we might lose weight, we could be athletic, easier to participate, avoid diabetes and have more fun.
Tamaki Collage is located in Glen Innes, Tamaki, The culture is Maori and Polynesian, siblings, ex Pt England students students, tutors-year 12 sports, we need leadership and NCEA (if you don’t know what that means it means when a school comes and visits.) We do all lots of sports like high jump, flipping, running, trist group, ruthless and play games.